Community and Mapping: the scale of the district

por Paisaje Transversal

Similar to PIER, is PIAM — People Integrated Approach to city-Making. PIAM is a participatory, diagnostic strategy conducted at the scale of the district. In Madrid, Paisaje Transversal has applied this methodology to produce diagnostics for three of city’s most populated districts, Fuencarral-El Pardo, Arganzuela, and Puente de Vallecas
Through extensive data collection, mapping, and participatory events, we can assess disparities within each district, and create informed proposals for neighborhood regeneration. Residents of Fuencarral, Arganzuela, and Puente de Vallecas experience different but related challenges. The financial crisis of 2008 has had particular affect working class and immigrant communities who continue to struggle for economic stability and a good quality of life.
To locate vulnerabilities in each district, we analyze demographics, distribution of public space, access to transportation, infrastructure, economic activity, social dynamics, availability of public services, and housing conditions. From here, we can zoom in to the scale of the neighborhood or even the plaza, and imagine regenerative solutions. 
In Fuencarral-El Pardo, Arganzuela, and Puente de Vallecas, there is need for well-maintained communal spaces and increased social services. Methodologies PIER and PIAM are designed to be replicable across Madrid and cities globally, yet are not one size fits all approaches. An awareness of local history, culture, and social dynamics is fundamental. Community-based, urban regeneration should take an organic form shaped by the people, that is then supported by technical means. 
In the next posts, we will discuss the findings of our district-wide diagnostics, and some specific strategies for improving urban life in Madrid.
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